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Exam and assessments results Key stage 2 (KS2) results


The details below show:

  • The expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths

  • Average progress in reading, writing and maths

  • An average ‘scaled score’ in reading and maths

  • A high level of attainment in reading ,writing and maths


% of pupils achieving the expected standard

Reading % of pupils achieving expected standard 62%

Writing  % of pupils achieving expected standard 71%

Maths % of pupils achieving expected standard 57%



Reading, writing and mathematics - attainment

Reading, writing and mathematics: % of pupils achieving the expected standard 48%

Reading, writing and mathematics: % of pupils achieving a high score 0%


Progress measures: KS1 to KS2

Reading progress score -0.5

Writing progress score -0.5

Maths progress score -0.8


Average Scaled Score per pupil

Reading average scaled score 102

Maths average scaled score 102


High level of attainment

Reading % of pupils achieving a higher standard 10%

Writing  % of pupils working at a greater depth within the expected standard 10%

Maths % of pupils achieving a higher standard 24%


Key stage 4 (KS4) results 2016 Results 

Progress 8 Score = -0.07

Attainment 8 Score = 45.53

Percentages of pupils who achieved a good pass in English and Maths = 53%

Percentage of pupils achieving the English baccalaureate combination of subjects (this means pupils who got a GCSE grade C or above in English, maths, 2 sciences a language, and history or geography) = 2%



Click here for the DfE school performance tables website.


Dartmouth Academy - GOV.UK

Evidence shows that, overall, performance of disadvantaged pupils is lower than that of other pupils. This data indicates how well a school does at tackling this ...


Percentage of pupils who achieved the English Baccalaureate. 6%

Percentage of pupils who have achieved at least the minimum expected levels of

progress in English 60% and maths 56% between KS2 and KS4.


DfE School Performance Table

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