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Scheme of Delegation


Please click here to view the ESW Scheme of Delegation

Please click here to view the Governor Attendance at Local Governing Body Meetings

Please click here to view the ESW Scheme of Delegatio

Interim Advisory Committee members


Roger Pope - CEO

Roger is the Chief Executive Officer of Education South West MAT.

A recognised National Leader of Education; Roger heads up a Teaching School Alliance and is the holder of a license to deliver National College leadership programmes throughout the South West.

Roger is an elected member of the South West Head Teacher Board, Senior Partner and board member of Challenge Partners - a national consortium of schools working together to raise standards.


Bob Mitchell – Chair

Bob Mitchell had a successful career of 25 years in Senior Leadership, including 18 years in Headship, running two schools. His first Headship culminated in an ‘Outstanding’ judgement from OFSTED and was reported as one of the top 100 schools Inspected in that year. His second Headship was a large 11-18 Comprehensive School which also gained an ‘Outstanding’ judgement. Bob is an LLE and works with the NCTL on succession planning for ‘Aspiring Head teachers’ and other programmes: he is also an Education Consultant working with a range of organisations in Devon and Cornwall on school improvement;  a ‘School Improvement Partner’ for secondary schools and is the Strategic Director of Leading Schools South West [LSSW].


Mel Easter – Vice Chair

I moved to Dartmouth 30 years ago and have taught and held leadership roles in both the South Hams and Torbay. 

Recently retired as Head of a Brixham Primary School judged “outstanding” in its last Inspection.

Currently acting as an Independent Educational consultant working with

  • University of Plymouth Natural Connections research Project

  • Assessor for Basic skills Quality Mark

  • School Improvement support for individual schools


Previous Experience includes

DEVON Local Authority - Primary Advisory Teacher

TORBAY Unitary authority - Early Years / Primary Phase Advisor

National College Teaching and Leadership -Support for Newly qualified Head teachers and Local Leader in Education.

Governor of Brixham College


Alex Clark – Parent


I have a background in higher education and I am particularly interested in the policy agenda and the aim of raising academic standards.  Prior to taking early retirement I was a Curriculum and Quality Manager at the University of Highlands and Islands.  I have taught on early year’s degree degrees and postgraduate Master's degree in management and leadership.  I live in Dartmouth and have a son at Dartmouth Academy in Year 8.'


Kellie Knott – Parent/Safeguarding Lead

Kellie Knott moved to Dartmouth in 2009 and currently lives in Townstal.  She has 2 children, aged 4 and 11, who both attend Dartmouth Academy and understands how important it is for parent/carers to feel confident about where their children go to school.  Kellie put herself forward to become a school governor in March 2015, in order to make a difference for the children and young people in the local community, ensuring they reach their full life potential.

Kellie currently works as a Project Change Manager for Devon County Council and has spent the last 6 years working in Children and Young Peoples Services, successfully delivering changes in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Early Help for vulnerable families and preparing for adulthood for young people who require care and support post 18.


Ginny Campbell - Community Link

Ginny Campbell's particular interest is Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  She has worked in primary, special and secondary education, was SENCO at Kingsbridge Community College until retirement and also ran courses for the LEA on inclusion, TA induction and literacy.   Since retirement she has been involved in training teachers and TAs on the delivery of linguistic phonics.  She has lived in Dartmouth for nearly 40 years.


Raj Panesar - Parent/Community Link

I moved to Dartmouth in 2010 and have children who have or are attending the academy. My background is within the financial services for over 15 years. 


I agreed to become an IAC member as I feel it is really important to make a difference in the local community that you live in. The support of members of the local community will only benefit the school and make sure our local children get the best start in life. 


Virginia Campbell 

Ginny Campbell is a retired Special Needs teacher with experience of teaching in Special, Primary and Secondary settings and a particular interest in literacy acquisition.  She was Head of Learning Support at Kingsbridge Community College before retirement.  She is a keen amateur photographer, is interested in local history and enjoys touring in her motorhome and travelling to visit her grandchildren in Australia and Switzerland.


Governor Structure


The full Governing Body meets six times per year

Link Governor Meetings (termly), focus on delivering high quality education and ensure sharing of good practice.



Key Roles of the Governing Body


  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the Director of Education, Head teachers and Heads of School to account for education and school improvement across the Federation. Set KPIs for each schools’ academic achievement

  • Monitor, challenge and support academic standards in the schools

  • To oversee the financial performance of the schools, ensuring best value at all times and recommending school budgets.

  • To promote the development of best practice across the four schools

  • Approve and monitor 3 year strategic and annual management plans for the schools

  • Head teacher and staff recruitment

  • Ensure an appropriate curriculum is taught to all students

  • Ensure provision of RE meets statutory and ESW policy

  • Ensure academy meet statutory obligations

  • Monitor, challenge and support Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Values standards in the schools

  • Monitor, challenge and support standards achieved by Disadvantaged and SEND students in the schools

  • Monitor, challenge and support standards of safeguarding, behaviour, attendance in the schools

  • Monitor, challenge and support standards of Health and Safety in the schools

  • Adopt and review home-school agreements

  • Adopt and review home-school agreements

  • Determine capital strategy

  • Support and encourage school initiatives such as Forest School/Rights respecting schools programmes etc.

  • Supporting bids and PTA’s to deliver additional resources

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Dartmouth Academy

Milton Lane, Dartmouth, Devon


Tel: 01803 839700



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