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Class 2/3C
Meet the reception teaching and support team...
Mrs A Daw

Mrs A Daw 

Nursery Lead Practioner

Mrs S Livesey

Mrs S Livesey

Leader of Foundation stage and ks1

F2 (Reception) is taught by the class teacher Sue Livesey. Anwen Coburn Lewis teaches F2 on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday mornings. Rachel Atterbury (Learning Support Assistant) supports F1 and F2 throughout the week. 


We open the doors at 8.40 and children choose from a range of quiet activities. We welcome parents in to the classroom at the start of the day and it is a good opportunity for children to show what they have been doing. At 9.00 am. we have a Read, Write Inc phonics/ Literacy session. We learn the sounds and quickly become confident readers and writers! We have a maths session at 11.00 and enjoy learning about numbers in practical ways.


From 9.35 to 11.00 the children enjoy a range of activities with F1 (Nursery) in our spacious and well-resourced Early Years Unit. Activities are set up which cover the seven Areas of Learning, indoors and outside in our outdoor learning area.  F2 often have challenges to complete in this time and the adults in the unit support and extend the children’s learning as they explore the play based activities.


We have lunch at 11.50 am. and then have time outside with F1 until the afternoon begins at 12.50 pm. We start with a whole class session and then have a range of activities until story time, followed by home time at 3.05pm.


Much of our learning is based around stories and we also follow the children’s interests. We join with the rest of the primary classes for a celebration assembly on a Friday afternoon and we love our Forest School sessions! We encourage good learning behaviour with house, class and individual rewards. In F2, we choose two ‘Superlearners’ each week and these children get to wear special capes and choose a prize from the special box!


We use ‘Interactive Learning Diary’, an online Learning Journey, to share children’s learning with their parents. Parents are encouraged to share their child’s achievements on ILD.


We are a friendly class and welcome visitors!


Curriculum Overview


November Learning Letter

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Dartmouth Academy

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