Facial piercings
The Academy has a clear policy on facial piercings, which appear on page 4 of students’ planners and also on our website.
The statement is very clear and is not open to interpretation: “Facial piercings must not be worn”. The options, none of which are negotiable, are set out below:
Remove the piercing
If the piercing needs to stay in to keep the hole open, then they may attend the Learning Zone at break and lunchtime, and remain there throughout with the piercing in place, removing for lessons
Stick a plaster over the piercing to prevent it being seen
Remain in isolation throughout the day and until such time as the piercing is removed.
With any rule such as this it is important that it is enforced fairly and with all students. If you would like to discuss this matter further please contact either your child’s form tutor or Head of House, in the first instance. Thank you for your co-operation.