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Parents' access to Academy building

Could we please ask all parents of Primary age children to remember the arrangements for dropping off and collecting children at the start and end of each day.

  • Children in Year 1 and below may be brought into their classrooms through the entrance to the Academy next to the Cube.

  • Children in Years 2, 3 and 4 should be dropped off and collected from their classroom doors, which lead into the playground.

  • Children in Years 5 and 6 should be dropped off and collected from the bottom of the external stairs to the Gateway Barn. Please do not wait on the balcony at the top of the stairs.

  • Entrance to the Academy for any other reason, and at other times, should always be through the main reception.

Please do not enter the Academy through any other entrances, particularly the Gateway stairs. This is to ensure the security and safety of all children. Thank-you for your co-operation.

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Dartmouth Academy

Milton Lane, Dartmouth, Devon


Tel: 01803 839700



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