A familiar face takes up role of Academy Parent Support Advisor
A familiar face to many of you will be Jane Newland who has taken up the role of Parent Support Advisor after Liz Young's departure at the end of last term.
"Many students and their families have reasons to be extremely grateful for the expertise of Mrs Liz Young as Parent Support Advisor. She will be greatly missed by everyone connected with Dartmouth Academy and we wish her good fortune for the future. As a Learning Support Assistant, I have worked closely with Liz for the last twelve and a half years and have gained enormously from her wisdom, vision and compassion. I am excited to be embarking on this new challenge and would like to invite parents and students to pop in for a chat if they have any worries or concerns.
"I aim to work with parents and carers regarding children’s wellbeing in school and help with other parenting issues by offering one to one confidential support, providing information about other relevant services and helping parents with any attendance issues.
"If you would like to talk to me, please contact Dartmouth Academy Reception (students can leave a message at the Helpdesk) alternatively phone 01803 839700 or email heather.newland@dartmouthacademy.org.uk – I look forward to seeing you."
Jane Newland, Parent Support Advisor