Extra-curricular clubs and sessions
This term's extra-curricular clubs and sessions are now up and running. All the usual sessions are running, including music sessions, PE clubs and homelearning/revision sessions. New for this term is a Circus Skills Club run by Mr Rule and Mr Melling-Flavell, where students can learn how to use diabolos and yo-yos. Also new for this term is a Work Experience and Careers Club where learners can get help and advice with organising their Year 10 Work Experience as well as finding out about Further and Higher Education after Year 11. The Work Experience and Careers club with Mrs Pigott is held Tuesday to Friday lunchtimes in F043. To see the full list of clubs on our website, click here for Years 7-11 clubs or click here for Years 1-6 clubs. If you have any questions about any of the clubs or have any ideas for clubs that you'd like to see available for learners, please emailfelicity.taylor@dartmouthacademy.org.uk. (Pictured above: children participating in Football Club with Mr Pemberton)