Emily receives recognition for helping others to sail
Emily Hodge in Year 12 is a member of the Royal Dart Yacht Club in Kingswear and recently the club held its annual prize giving event for yacht racing. Emily sails with a small group of under 18s and the team she is part of won one of the prizes - First overall for pursuit racing.
At the end of the presentations, Kit Noble, Chief Instructor at the club, gave a very emotional speech about this young person who has done so much at RDYC to help all with sailing, including a very special young man, a 13 year old boy who has Down's Syndrome, who would not have had the opportunity to sail if it wasn't for Emily. Also, Emily dinghy races with the adults helping those less experienced to sail and she is an Assistant Instructor during 'Junior Sailings' on Saturday mornings helping with all youngsters.
Kit went on to highlight Emily's other achievements, including that she gained her 'Power Boat 2' and 'Safety Boat' qualifications this summer as well as being awarded 'Most Improved Instructor'. It was only when Kit mentioned that during a race, Emily made her adult partner wear a luminous pink head band for fun (team colours), that she realised that he was talking about her!
This presentation came as a total surprise and Emily couldn't quite believe it. Emily's mum is very proud, as we all are at the Academy. (Pictured above: Emily receiving her award from Jill Bennet, wife of the RDYC Commodore)