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A fun day of activities and events at Academy Number Day

On Monday 8th December, pupils, students and staff came to school dressed up with a 'digits' theme for Number Day to promote Maths learning and help raise money for the NSPCC. Many children chose numbers that are significant to them or simply chose their favourite number. The event was organised by Year 5/6 teacher Bonnie Chivers and she said that it was a very inspirational day. Miss Chivers wore a board featuring ‘Snappy Maths’ problems for the children to solve.

Classes working together on themed activities and special maths challenges and cakes decorated with numbers sold at a cake sale, all created a buzz around Springboard and Lower Gateway. A highlight of the day was the comical Maths assembly led my Miss Chivers and Student Achievement Manager, Mikey Passmore. The assembly featured Mr Pemberton’s famous counting songs and a play presented by Year 5 and 6 students.

Miss Chivers said: “I organised the event to raise the profile of number across the school. What was particularly pleasing was the way different classes and age groups worked together on problems. Teacher of Maths, Emma Richardson, organised Year 9 Maths Ambassadors to run Maths games for students from Years 1 to 6. This was a great day of learning for us all, and we will be having more in future.”

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