Teaching and Learning moving forward at Dartmouth Academy
Thank you for supporting the Academy with regards to the extra training day on the 5th January. The day was a real success and allowed us to consolidate teaching and learning here at the Academy. We always have and will continue to strive to focus on the four core themes shown below as we maintain our journey towards developing a high quality learning environment for all our children.
As in any organisation, whether it is business, school or family, the strength of that organisation is built on its relationships between individuals. This remains a core value for the Academy as we move forward in the early days of the new South West Academies Trust, working with Kingsbridge Community College and Our School Federation. This underpins the day to day running of the school and all that happens here. The positive relationships between staff, students, parents and visitors are vital to continuing to build the reputation of the Academy. As we move forward, continuing to enhance our work with you as parents and carers, identify further ways to make the partnership we have even stronger while sharing and supporting your child’s learning. If you have any ideas about what we can do to build on this, please let us know so that we can examine what is possible. All schools look for consistency and we are no different. This term we have held assemblies with the students to discuss what we covered with staff. We have talked about modelling as a key concept and that we all model best practice for each other, whether it is how we dress, behave or how we learn. We ask and have the same expectations of all, whether it is staff, students, parents or visitors to demonstrate positive learning or behaviour habits. Mahatma Gandhi once said ‘you must be the change you wish to see in the world’. One great thing about our Academy is how the students rise to challenges set and we have seen this with the smartness of the uniform following the push at the beginning of the new term. Finally, over the next few months we will be developing the range of activities associated with active learning. If you would like further information on any of the above or have comments or suggestion please let us know by contacting either Nick Bowles, Matthew Bakewell or Simon Risdon who lead on the Teaching and Learning in the Academy.