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Academy students get 'hands-on' for British Science Week

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This week at Dartmouth Academy, students have had the opportunity to get involved with a variety of activities led by the Science team. Some have enjoyed finding out where a whole range of pork produce comes from, seeing a pig butchered and tasting some culinary delights including pig cheek casserole, belly pork, pig's liver, tenderloin and pig's kidneys. This was followed later in the week with pupils getting stuck in, making their own sausages and pork burgers from scratch with the help of a local expert from Westaway Sausages. Hopefully some of these made it home for parents and siblings to taste! those students with a slightly weaker stomach have been looking at the interesting properties of light and how it can be reflected and refracted for a variety of different uses, and others have used old scraps of paper to produce their own recycled paper for making homemade Easter cards. Students had also made special solar viewers in order to view the eclipse on Friday Morning. They had planned to see the moon almost completely block out the light from the Sun, an event that won't happen again for at least 11 years, however Friday morning's thick cloud meant that unfortunately, the best views of the event were via the internet. It is fair to say, those who chose to get involved had a fantastic time, and were hopefully enthused towards Science and the world around them.

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