Sixth Form students getting ready to make their university choices
For Year 13 students, exams are fast approaching with the Art & Design exams starting on 15th April after the Easter Holidays. Exam timetables are on display in the Dart Centre and the Academy website. Students have all now completed their applications and interviews for universities for September and are now revising and completing coursework to obtain the best grades for the final exams to enable their entry to university. Year 12 students will be looking at the next steps for university applications and to start this process students are visiting the UCAS Convention in Exeter on Tuesday the 24th March to explore different universities and the courses they offer, with first-hand information from the university student ambassadors who man the stands. They will also have the opportunity to sit in on seminars explaining student finance and student life. Some universities also have interactive sessions such as a budget challenge by Bournemouth University on how to live life and manage student loans. All this information is in a guide book also available in the Dart Centre.