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Year 10s treated to incredible performance of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

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On Thursday 16th April, Year 10 students at Dartmouth Academy were offered the opportunity to see a performance of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' at The Theatre Royal, Plymouth. The performance was absolutely incredible! 'To Kill a Mockingbird', which the Year 10s are currently studying as part of their GCSE English course, is a novel written by Harper Lee in the middle of the Civil Rights movement, and explores the commonplace racial prejudice which was present in many southern US states of the 1930s. It was a deeply moving performance, and tears were shed; mainly by the Teachers, but the students, being themselves emotional, were unable to mock the Teachers for weeping. The play opens in a very different way: all the actors walked up from the audience, wearing their regular, casual clothes, and started reading on stage, before the House lights had dimmed. It was an awesome opening, and the play just kept getting better and better! The stage was incorporated, scenes drawn out with chalk, and the transitions between scenes was amazing, wheeling around beds and the like! Honestly, it was an incredible experience, I know I’m glad that I went: it was one of the best performances I’ve yet seen! by George Bakewell, Year 10

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