The end of the academic year is upon us - but there's still plenty going on!
At the time of writing we have just received our Key Stage 2 results which, as with the Key Stage 1 results last week, show improvement both in attainment and in the progress made by the children in Year 6 and in Year 2, when compared with 2014. We now look forward eagerly to our results both for the 6th Form which come out on August 13, and for Year 11 with their GCSEs coming out on August 20, and hope to claim a full house of improved outcomes for 2015. It's been a busy year being part of the new multi academy trust, no named Academies South-West, moving into our completed new building in September, though there is still work to be done on some of the landscaping; this starts on the first week of the holidays, and as ever improving the opportunities and outcomes for the young people who attend Dartmouth Academy. I would like to thank all parents and staff for their support over the year in helping every child who attends Dartmouth Academy do as well as they can. I've enjoyed working with you to achieve this common objective. Last week saw an excellent sports day where many parents witnessed children of all ages participating in a range of sporting activities, working collaboratively to create a great day. The fete last Thursday and the Friends stall, selling refreshments on Sports Day, between them raised almost £1000 towards playground equipment for the primary phase of the Academy. These two events show what we can do when we all pull together. I was sorry to miss the community events held here on the evening of Friday 3rd July called the Big Bash but I gather it was enjoyed by all who took part. It will be the first of many similar events allowing the community to use and gain the benefits of facilities on the Academy site. This week is the last of the year and sees Activities Week taking place for Years 7 to 9 and Work Experience for Year 10, alongside a variety of events taking part in the primary phase culminating in the “Moving On” assembly for Year 6, as they step up in September to become a part of the new Year 7 cohort, along with others who will join them from local primary schools who we met at the Transition Day last Wednesday. I would like to wish everybody a relaxing safe and enjoyable summer break and I look forward to seeing you all again fresh and ready to go on September 2nd. Nick Hindmarsh, Principal