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Message from Tina Graham

A message from Tina Graham, Principal:

I would like to thank all the parents who were able to attend our Parent Voice meeting on Wednesday 27th April at 6pm, and who offered their advice and support to raising standards at the Academy.

It was a very productive and positive meeting, informing parents of the progress the Academy has made and is continuing to make on its journey to ‘Outstanding Education for all’.

Parents were also able to discuss any concerns they have individually with members of our Senior Leadership Team.

We will be holding repeat meetings on the following dates for anyone who has yet been unable to attend;

Wednesday 18th May, 6.00 – 7.00pm in the Cube. Friday 20th May, 09.00 – 10.00am in the Cube.

Both of these meetings are open to Primary and Secondary parents.

Please do come along and enjoy a coffee and a chance to meet with our Senior Leadership Team.

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Dartmouth Academy

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