Bus Allocation
As you know we provide our own transport for pupils from the Torbay and Totnes catchment areas. It has come to our attention that an increasing number of pupils are wishing to utilise our transport to stay over at their friends’ houses.
I am writing to inform all parents that only the pupils who have paid and been allocated a seat on these buses are permitted to travel on them for insurance purposes.
Please can you therefore make it explicit to your son/daughter that unless they have been allocated a seat on Dart 1 or Dart 2, they will not be picked up from any bus stop.
Many thanks for your continued support, if you wish to discuss this in anyway please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Student Achievement Manager, contact details are below:
Primary & Year 7 - Miss Hunt ashley.hunt@dartmouthacademy.org.uk
Miss Marels gemma.marels@dartmouthacademy.org.uk
Year 8+ - Mrs Heard briony.heard@dartmouthacademy.org.uk
Tina Graham