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Cambridge Success!

It was no surprise to his teachers that sixth former, George Bakewell, has just won a place at Cambridge University. Ben Rule, his maths teacher who guided him to A’ level maths success two years ahead of most teenagers said, ‘George is a brilliant mathematician who opted to study Computer Science at university. The best university in the world for Computer Science is where it all started – Cambridge - and the best college for the subject is Churchill College. So he made life difficult for himself by applying to the most oversubscribed college for his chosen course, but he obviously impressed the professors at interview as they offered him a place!’ George, now in the Sixth Form at TBGS came back to see his Dartmouth Academy maths teachers to brush up on interview technique prior to travelling up to the university. ‘Mr Rule gave me plenty of help in preparing for the college interview, which isn’t like a normal university interview – they just throw maths problems at you and see how you deal with them. I’m thrilled to have been offered a place and would like to thank my maths teachers at Dartmouth for all their help. I’m sure Mr Rule isn’t as disappointed as he makes out that I chose Cambridge over his old university - he went to their arch-rivals, Oxford!’

Mrs Graham, Dartmouth Academy principal said, ‘We are all very proud of George’s achievements. His GCSE results were outstanding and made the most of all opportunities at Dartmouth, even travelling to Borneo last summer on a once-in-a-lifetime school trip.’

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